
Jan 24, 2010

Love and Friendship

Can you imagine Friendship without love? Friendship and Love is the best friend, Friendship always at his side of Love. And where are Friendship, Love is always smiling and never leave the Friendship. On one day, first Friendship and Love has made him no more attention because Love and Friendship considered more attractive than himself.

"Hmmm ... if there is no love, maybe I'll become more famous, and more people pay attention to me." the Friendship thinking.

Since that day against Love and Friendship. When Love playing with Friendship as always, Friendship will stay away from Love. When asked why Friendship and Love away from him, Friendship just turned and left in circulation size.

Grief went up to Love and Love could not hold back her tears and hard crying. Sadness only be stunned at the loss of Love best friend. A few days without Love, Friendship first meeting along with Disappointed, Despair, Anger and Hatred. Friendship began to lose the sweet nature and people started to not like Friendship. Friendship began shunned and no longer liked. Although beautiful friendship, but its first sickening.

Friendship open minded itself is no longer desirable because many people are away from it. Friendship began to regret it, and that's when sadness see Friendship, and submit to Wordpress Friendship Love is in grief.

Love immediately ran and went to Friendship. When Friendship saw Love approached him, with tears even vomit Friendship thousand regrets leaving Love. Shorten the story, Friendship and Love back to being a good friend. Friendship cloning back to the fun and love was returned, smiling brightly. Everyone saw the two friends returned either as a blessing and gift in life.

Can Friendship without Love? Can Love without friendship? Often encountered many people who try separating friendship and love because they think, "If friendship is embroidered with love, would be so difficult!" Especially for those who establish friendship between men and women. Friendship is a beautiful form of the relationship between humans, where Love is here to give a smile and Friendship coloring.

Without Love, Friendship may be filled with Angry, Hate, Anger and the various things that make no more beautiful friendship. Stop making the line between Love and Friendship, let them remain a good friend. Which must be corrected is not destroy Love and Friendship, Love is beautify like your friendship.

Love is often just scapegoat as destroyer of friendship. BIG WRONG! Should the existence of Love, Friendship will be more fun. My friends who are in a Friendship, fill your friendship with love, give love the best for your friend. My friends who are experiencing turmoil in friendship, love but do not blame. improve friendship with love love will cover all the mistakes, forgive easily, and make everything impossible possible.

My friends who do not understand the meaning of friendship try to start a friendship, because with your friendship will be more mature, not selfish and learn to understand, that your things do not always happen according to our wishes. My friends who are disappointed with Friendship, ponder, "Do I have to live Friendship correctly?" And understand the meaning of the friendship also please try for your life. Desire, passion, understanding, maturity, gentleness and good things will you find in friendship


  1. love and friendsip are two differnt matter because love has done every one but friendship has done some one.

  2. yes. love never leave the friendship. i agree this. thanks for share. best regards
